Thursday, August 22, 2019

Philip II Of Spain Essay Example for Free

Philip II Of Spain Essay King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598) has cast a lengthy shadow over Spanish and European history for centuries. Though this might seem fitting, given that he was the first man to rule a truly global empire on which the sun never set, it is not entirely appropriate, for Philips enduring fame stems not so much from his achievements, as it does from misconceptions about his character and legacy. Within Spain itself, Philip can still be remembered to this day as a brooding, reclusive workaholic, who, despite his best intentions, poised his nation and empire on the brink of a precipitous and inevitable decline. Beyond Spains borders, Philips shadow has long been perceived as exceedingly dark and menacing. After all, how many other monarchs can claim the unhappy role of top villain in one of Schillers tragedies, or in a major opera, such as Verdis Don Carlo, which set the gloomy myth to music? In the English-speaking world Philip reigned supreme for nearly three centuries as the ultimate embodiment of the Black Legend: a sinister figure, cruel and devious beyond measure, a religious fanatic who could only be viewed through the smoke of the Armadas cannons and of the Inquisitions pyres. Philip II was present in Brussels when his father resigned to him the government of the Netherlands (October 1555) as well as of Spain itself (January 1556). International matters, mainly his marriage to Queen Mary of England and the war against France, kept him in northern Europe. In August 1557 the Spanish forces in Flanders, directed by the duke of Savoy and the count of Egmont, crossed the frontier into France and caused a crushing defeat on the French at St Quentin. Philip arrived in time to congratulate his army, however failed to follow up the advantage; negotiations started and were interrupted by the death of Mary in November 1558. Finally peace was agreed at Cateau-Cambresis in April 1559, one of the circumstances being the marriage of Philip to the daughter of Henry II of France, Elizabeth of Valois. The king sailed from the Netherlands in August 1559 and landed at Laredo in September. He never left the peninsula again. Domestic politics lapse into relative quietness during the reign, in order that events seem to depend more than usual on the personality of the king. Philip, though, was no less devoted to the problems of internal government than to the weighty matters of foreign policy. (R. Trevor Davies, 1957) Aged 28th at his accession, he was already an experienced ruler, having been regent for his father sporadically since 1543. His fair hair and blue eyes betrayed his Habsburg origin; however no ruler could have been more Spanish. Brought up in Castile and trained by brilliant tutors, he preferred Spaniards as advisers and spoke merely Castilian fluently, though he had a working knowledge of Latin. Pensive by disposition, and always unwilling to rush into decisionshence the tag of prudent kinghe had a deep sense of duty which governed both his personal and public life. His stern side as headed at the top by the council of State, shorn since 1559 of its non-Castilian members. The councils chief secretary until his death in 1566 was Gonzalo Perez, a cleric of converso origin; thereafter the post was divided between Gonzalos son Antonio as secretary for the south and Gabriel de Zayas for the north. True to his fathers policy of allowing differing views to develop, Philip tolerated a conflict of opinions, not always with fruitful consequences. The chief rivals in the council of State were the kings long-standing friend the Portuguese Ruy Gomez de Silva, and the duke of Alba. Ruy Gomez, created prince of Eboli and duke of Pastrana, married into the powerful Mendoza family, headed by the duke of Infantado, and thereby became linked with a clan of nobles from the highest grandee families, the Zuniga, Velasco and Guzman. Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, third duke of Alba and Philips most distinguished general, was head of the house of Toledo and had similar powerful connexions. The division in the council between these two a normal rivalry between clans, of the sort common both at government and at local levelalso extended to the secretaries, Antonio Perez being allied to Eboli and Zayas to Alba. Differences between the groups, as with all political factions, arose primarily out of a struggle for power. Given the complex problems that faced the Spanish monarchy, there were occasionally issues on which some took a hard line: Alba, as Charles V had warned Philip, was inclined to be authoritarian. It is however not convincing to categorise one groupAlbasas the war party, and its opponents as the peace party; even less, as we shall see, is it possible to distinguish any real difference of approach to constitutional problems. The problem over which the factions took most issue was the revolt of the Netherlands, which precipitated the famous affair of Antonio Perez. Immediately after Philips return to Spain in 1559 he began a massive effort to put the country into an adequate state of defence: Turkish expansion in the 1560s inevitably made foreign policy the first concern of government. At the same time difficulties in the Netherlands were brought to him in person when the count of Egmont arrived in Madrid in February 1565. From this period Spain was burdened by a dual commitment to northern Europe and to the Mediterranean, and the numerous mistakes made by Philip in his dealings with the Netherlanders can in part be blamed on priority given to affairs in the south. Aware, none the less, of his obligations, the king made preparations to visit Flanders in 1567. He was dissuaded from this by Alba, and in 1568 two personal crisesthe death of Don Carlos in July and then of Elizabeth of Valois in Octoberforced him to remain in the peninsula, where on Christmas Eve a major uprising of the Granada Moriscos began. The death of Ruy Gomez in 1573 made Antonio Perez effective head of the Eboli faction at court. A contemporary noted that Perez climbed so high that His Majesty would not do anything save what the said Antonio Perez marked out for him. Philip depended heavily for advice and policy on this brilliant and sinister young man whose fortunes were linked with those of Ana de Mendoza, princess of Eboli, the beautiful one-eyed widow of Ruy Gomez. Perezs arm stretched as far as Flanders, where the kings half brother, the famous Don Juan of Austria, was acting as governor. Don Juans personal secretary, Juan de Escobedo, had been a protege of Perez, who expected to be kept reliably informed of the plans and ambitions of the governor of the Netherlands. Don Juans proposals for policy in the north, however, were at variance with government intentions in Madrid, and Perez and Escobedo soon found themselves opposed to each other on a number of issues. Philip in turn was wary of the ambitions of his half-brother, the victor of Lepanto. Suspicious of the way his plans for Flanders were being blocked by Madrid, Don Juan sent Escobedo to Spain in 1577 to make enquiries. On arriving at the court it appeared to Escobedo that Perez had been duping Don Juan and presenting his case in an unfavourable light to the king. He apparently issued threats against Perez, accusing him rightly or wrongly of a liaison with the princess of Eboli, and of betraying state secrets. But Perez had already managed to convince Philip that Escobedo was the malign influence in the affairs of Flanders and in the end he persuaded the king that the only solution was to eliminate Don Juans secretary. In March 1578 hired assassins murdered Escobedo in a street in Madrid. (Townsend Miller, 1963) Popular rumour instantly pointed to Perez as the assassin, and Escobedos family, aided by Perezs rival the kings private secretary (from 1573) Mateo Vazquez, demanded justice for the murdered man. No action was taken, clearly because the king himself was implicated and had acted on reliable advice. In the spring of 1579, however, Philip was sent the private papers of Don Juan, who had died the previous October. On reading them Philip discovered that Perez had deceived him and that his brother and Escobedo were guiltless of the imputations against them. He encouraged Vazquez to make a secret enquiry into Perezs actions in office, and determined to make a clean sweep of his minister. Since his return from the Netherlands in 1573 the duke of Alba had been active in the councils at Madrid, but in 1579 was placed under house arrest for letting his son make an unauthorised marriage: he was called out only to undertake the invasion of Portugal. His disgrace was followed by Philips decision to place the direction of affairs in the hands of the Burgundian Antoine Perrenot, cardinal Granvelle, who had been withdrawn from the Netherlands in 1564 but had since served the crown with distinction in Italy. On 28 July 1579, the very day that Granvelle reached Madrid, Perez and the princess of Eboli were arrested.

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