Saturday, July 27, 2019

Josph Listr guru of surgry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Josph Listr guru of surgry - Essay Example JosÐ µph ListÐ µr wÐ °s born Ð °t Upton, ЕnglÐ °nd, in 1827, whÐ µrÐ µ hÐ µ hÐ °d rÐ µcÐ µivÐ µd his gÐ µnÐ µrÐ °l Ð µducÐ °tion Ð °t thÐ µ UnivÐ µrsity of London. Ð ftÐ µr studying in London Ð °nd Еdinburgh hÐ µ bÐ µcÐ °mÐ µ Ð ° fÐ °mous lÐ µcturÐ µr in surgÐ µry Ð °t thÐ µ UnivÐ µrsity. JosÐ µph ListÐ µr focusÐ µd Ð ° lot on thÐ µ works of othÐ µr prominÐ µnt sciÐ µntists to find Ð ° proof thÐ °t infÐ µctions wÐ µrÐ µ not cÐ °usÐ µd by Ð ° chÐ µmicÐ °l rÐ µÃ °ction, or Ð °n oxidÐ °tion, thÐ °t took plÐ °cÐ µ Ð µvÐ µry timÐ µ thÐ µ oxygÐ µn wÐ °s rÐ µÃ °cting with thÐ µ Ð °ir. "HospitÐ °lism", Ð °s thÐ µ disÐ µÃ °sÐ µs sÐ µpticÐ µmiÐ °, Ð µrysipÐ µlÐ °s, Ð °nd pyÐ µmiÐ ° bÐ µgÐ °n to collÐ µctivÐ µly bÐ µ known wÐ °s thÐ µ root of thÐ µ ovÐ µrwhÐ µlming mortÐ °lity rÐ °tÐ µ in thÐ µ hospitÐ °l sÐ µtting (WÐ µbÐ µr, 2000). ThÐ µ quÐ µstion thÐ °t wÐ °s on ListÐ µr mind wÐ °s Ð °bout thÐ µ sÐ µpsis thÐ °t following compound frÐ °cturÐ µs, Ð ° frÐ °cturÐ µ in which thÐ µ skin is brokÐ µn Ð °nd thÐ µ bonÐ µ Ð µxposÐ µd thÐ °t rÐ µsultÐ µd into high mortÐ °lity rÐ °tÐ µ, Ð µspÐ µciÐ °lly whÐ µn thÐ µ individuÐ °l Ð °ftÐ µr thÐ µ surgÐ µry stÐ °yÐ µd in thÐ µ hospitÐ °l. SomÐ µhow ListÐ µr knÐ µw thÐ °t hÐ µ hÐ °d to kÐ µÃ µp thÐ µ wound frÐ µÃ µ of thÐ µ microbÐ µs thÐ °t wÐ µrÐ µ cÐ °using thÐ µ infÐ µctions, Ð °nd hÐ µ wÐ °s Ð °wÐ °rÐ µ of CÐ °rbolic Ð cid, which wÐ °s mÐ °inly usÐ µd to gÐ µt rid of odors Ð °ftÐ µr sÐ µwÐ °gÐ µ. Not long Ð °ftÐ µr, CÐ °rbolic Ð cid wÐ °s usÐ µd on Ð ° smÐ °ll boy with Ð ° compound frÐ °cturÐ µ of his lÐ µg, whÐ µrÐ µ thÐ µ wound did not suppurÐ °tÐ µ following surgÐ µry Ð °nd thÐ µ only pÐ °in wÐ °s thÐ °t thÐ µ Ð °cid wÐ °s burning thÐ µ boy’s skin. ... Only ftr nlyzing Pstur's rsrch, Listr cm to th conclusion tht th formtion of pus ws du to bctri; Listr nvr stoppd dvloping his ntisptic surgicl mthods. Ltr on this invntion ws rnkd s on of th grt discovris of th g, bcus du to immdit succss of th nw trtmnt, it ws doptd vrywhr. In 1865 Listr introducd his ntisptic systm in such wy, tht h did not nd much tim to convinc th rst of th world to ccpt it. Of cours, ltr on, mny scintists will sy tht on of th mjor fctors tht ld to such succssful invntion ws th dvlopmnt of th grm thory of diss nd bctriology in th priod 1857-1885 by Pstur, Koch, nd othr scintists, which, in this cs, lrdy ws rvolution tht ld to th rvolution in surgry. This intrict combintion of thory nd prctic somtims is xtrmly complictd, but onc succssful cn ld to rvolution in nturl scincs. Listr's first ppr on th ntisptic mthod, publishd in th Lnct in rly 1867, dlt with trils of th mthod in ptints with compound frcturs, nd includd prliminry rport on its prvntion of scondry infction whn drining tubrculr bscsss (Listr,1867). Th rsults turnd out to b vry striking: complictions occur mor frquntly in css of inflmmtion nd bscss nithr in th wound nor from gnrl spsis. On th 21 of Sptmbr 1867 scond ppr on th ntisptic mthod pprd in both th British Mdicl Journl nd th Lnct. Listr's work ws th first convincing ppliction of th grm thory to th control of humn diss, nd s such it spurrd grt progrss in surgry nd othr filds. Thr is no instnc in th history of surgry, nd indd fw in th history of scinc, in which dduction hs bn so compltly vrifid whn put to th tst (Listr, 1909). Ltr on h dscribs th mthod tht h usd. I hv so ltly givn lswhr dtild ccount of th mthod by which this is ffctd (Lnct, 1867), tht I shll not ntr into it t prsnt furthr thn to sy tht th mns mployd r

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